Since 2007 when the South Florida housing market imploded, Centro Campesino has assisted many distressed homeowners at risk of or actually experiencing foreclosure. Our agency does not employ lawyers or provide legal advice. However, our housing counselors assist homeowners in understanding correspondence and documents they receive from their lenders and in submitting materials regarding the circumstances which have caused them to fall behind on their mortgage obligations. Upon request, Centro Campesino will assist clients in obtaining affordable legal counsel.

Can Centro Campesino always prevent foreclosure? Regrettably, Centro Campesino cannot prevent all distressed clients from losing their homes. We are committed to helping all clients become knowledgeable of the judicial process involving foreclosure, understanding and responding to correspondence related to their delinquent mortgages and adequately presenting requests for loan modifications. When it is not possible to achieve a modification, Centro Campesino helps the client understand alternatives to foreclosure such as short sales and surrendering a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Centro Campesino will do everything in its power to help our clients achieve the resolution they seek and do all that is possible to preserve their credit.

For more information and to register please call Homebuyer/Homeowner Solutions at 305-245-7738 ext. 227 or email