Homebuyer/Homeowner Solutions (HHS) is deeply connected to Centro Campesino founding principles. HHS helps families overcome barriers which prevent them from becoming mortgage ready and eligible for available subsidized mortgages and down payment assistance programs.  Centro Campesino HUD-certified housing counselors provide classes, workshops and individualized counseling to help families become homeowners.

 Workshops are offered one Saturday per month in English and Spanish from 10:00am to 4:00pm. For more information and to register you can either call 305-245-7738 Ext. 227, text your full name and email address to 941-499-7467 to request to be registered for the next available class or you can email our department your information: Housing@ccfcfl.org. Prior registration is required to attend the workshops.

You can choose from any of our available scheduled classes and register in advance following the steps above.


Saturday, August 31 (English-Spanish)

Saturday, Sept 28 (English-Spanish)

Saturday, October 26 (English-Spanish)


Homebuyer Intake Application – English

Homebuyer Intake Application – Spanish


Homeowner Application – English

Homeowner Application – Spanish