Centro Campesino AmeriCorps YouthPride Program implements student led Project Based Learning (PBL) to meet the programs scope of services.  PBL is a teaching method in which students utilize reading, math, science, social studies, language arts and enrichment to investigate and respond to complex questions, problems or challenges, thought of by students to build competencies valuable for today’s world. These include problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity which are explicitly taught and assessed.

Project-based Learning Supports:

  • open-ended questions or challenges
  • a need to fulfill essential content and skills
  • inquiry to learn and/or create something new
  • student voice and choice
  • student feedback and revision
  • publicly presented products or performances.

Instructors create and design a total of 4 PBL lesson plans for each group which are implemented throughout the school year and during summer camp. Click here for more information on our YouthPride Afterschool Program.eurekaweb